Most people log on to Instagram or Facebook and think the content they post is harmless. You can control your privacy settings and manage your audience, so is there any real risk in getting personal via social media? Despite the customization abilities you have, the answer is yes. There are several ways in which social media can become a legal hazard if you do not carefully consider the potential consequences of what you post.
An ill-advised post on social media could threaten the success of your legal case. The following three examples are just a few liabilities to be on the lookout for.
1. Damage to injury claim
Have you recently suffered an injury? On the job or in a car accident perhaps? If so, you know that documenting the injury and seeking recourse is not a simple process. It can further be complicated by insurance companies looking for any excuse to deny your claim. Do not hand them an excuse by posting anything that may contradict your claim. If you say you are badly injured, do not post photos of you running a marathon.
2. Ammo in divorce
According to Huffington Post, social media can play a big role in divorce cases. Certain information may be admissible in court, and it could even be subpoenaed. This is especially true if you are disclosing information on social media that is relevant to your divorce. Do not ever badmouth your ex or post content that your ex could use against you in a divorce or custody case.
3. Liability for crime
Whether or not you are guilty, posting about involvement in any criminal activity can provide the prosecution with information to use against you in court. Even if it is not an admission of guilt, disclosing knowledge of a crime can get you in a lot of trouble. Avoid this misstep and never publish information about illegal activity on social media.