An elderly woman recently passed away in a Virginia motor vehicle accident involving a commercial vehicle. Now, the woman’s family members are left to grieve over her and wonder how such a tragedy could have taken place. Sometimes, these types of car accidents occur due to the negligence of a fellow motorist, in which case the at-fault motorist may be held financially responsible for any injuries and deaths resulting from the crash.
The recent Virginia accident took place at a little before 10:50 a.m. Police said a woman, 70, was going north along a boulevard. Meanwhile, a cement truck was driving along a private road located off of this boulevard.
Police reported that the cement truck driver then attempted to go into the intersection to make a left turn onto the boulevard. All of a sudden, the woman’s car struck the cement truck’s driver’s side. She unfortunately passed away at the accident scene. The cement truck driver was given a summons for failing to yield the right-of-way to the woman.
The surviving loved ones of the woman who died in the Virginia accident are entitled to file a wrongful death claim against the truck driver and even against his or her employer, seeking damages. A preponderance of the evidence is necessary to establish liability, based upon a showing of negligence, before the civil court hearing the case. If this is accomplished, a judge will decide claims for financial damages. A successfully fought suit might lead to a monetary award that may help to cover the woman’s burial costs and other losses resulting from these types of car accidents.
Source: wtkr.com, “70-year-old woman dies in fatal Virginia Beach crash with cement truck“, Nick Boykin, Feb. 15, 2018