A man lost his life in a motor vehicle collision involving a tractor-trailer in Virginia, while another individual suffered injuries. These types of car accidents can easily take place due to the carelessness of an individual. This is grounds for litigation in the civil court system.
The car crash occurred on a Tuesday at around 12:30 p.m. at an on-ramp leading to Interstate 64 West. Police said a 72-year-old man was driving a sport utility vehicle and suddenly rear-ended a semi-truck. His sport utility vehicle ended up flipping and coming to a stop in the road’s median.
The person driving the truck had been waiting to turn left when the crash happened. This individual suffered no injuries, but the sport utility driver ended up dying. Meanwhile, the deceased driver’s passenger suffered injuries and was taken to the hospital. Authorities continued to investigate the crash.
The injured passenger may choose to file a personal injury claim, seeking the reimbursement of financial damages. Although the driver of the sport utility vehicle died, his estate may still become the subject of litigation, and so may any other person who also owned the motor vehicle he was driving when the accident happened. Competent proof of negligence is required to establish liability in civil cases involving these types of car accidents in Virginia. Only if liability has been established before the court will monetary damage claims be adjudicated. A monetary award may help with covering hospital costs and other accident-related losses, such as the loss of wages due to having to miss work to recover from the injuries.
Source: nbc29.com, “Update: Driver Dies in Crash with Tractor-trailer on Monacan Trail Road“, Emmy Freedman, Jan. 2, 2018