A burn injury can be incredibly painful for someone in Virginia, especially if it is severe. The most common burns can be treated with first-aid at home. It is good to know what to do in case someone gets a burn, but you should also understand the symptoms of different kinds of burns to know what type of treatment to provide and if a doctor is needed.
There are three different kinds of burns, ranked by severity. First-degree burns are the least severe and appear as red and painful areas around the site of the burn.
More severe burns may require treatment from a doctor to heal properly. A second-degree burn is a moderate burn that appears as blistering around the area of exposure.
Third-degree burns are very severe and can cause the upper layer of skin to separate from the layers below. A third-degree burn may look like one giant, thick, leathery blister, and it may be possible to see tissue where the skin has been burned away.
WebMD advises that with the most severe burns, you should elevate the victim’s feet above 12 inches, cover him or her with a blanket and elevate the burn above the heart if possible to do so while laying the victim flat. This is to prevent shock.
While first and second-degree burns can be immersed in cool water to reduce swelling and severity, third-degree burns should be kept dry to reduce the risk of infection. Burn blisters should not be popped, and if the blisters are bigger than two inches, you should seek medical attention right away.